Spring Goals: Build Your College List and Engage with Admissions Officers and Local Reps

Juniors, it is time to develop your college list. Exploring colleges will allow you to determine the qualities of an ideal academic environment so that you can create a well-balanced and comprehensive college list. Furthermore, as you learn which schools you would like to attend, you can begin to demonstrate that you are authentically interested in what each college offers. Although not all colleges factor in "demonstrated interest" when evaluating students, many do take it into consideration.

Ways to Demonstrate Interest

1.) Attend free virtual admissions sessions and webinars offered by colleges or universities

2.) Engage with local reps who visit and present at your high school

3.) Visit college campuses and complete tours and participate in informational sessions and student panels

4.) Write thoughtful and detailed supplemental essays that prove you are knowledgeable about what the college campus offers

5.) Connect on social media (follow college Twitter and IG accounts)

6.) Email an admissions officer or local rep with specific questions

7.) Be prompt in responding to emails from colleges and universities

Pro Tip: Keep track of how often you engage with colleges on your list by downloading our free college interest resource.


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