Top Scholarships for Community Service

When it comes to rewarding students for their dedication to community service, several prestigious scholarships stand out as beacons of support and recognition. These scholarships not only aim to alleviate the financial burden of higher education but also honor the impactful contributions that students have made to their communities.

  1. Zakat Foundation Scholarship

    Zakat allocates $20,000 in scholarships for college-bound high school seniors who have volunteered or engaged in community service. Awards are distributed to students in different regions in the U.S. where the organization has a strong presence (Illinois, North Carolina, Delaware, DMV [DC/Maryland/Virginia area], California, and New Jersey).

  2. Coca-Cola Scholars Program

    The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation invests in our future — offering college scholarships to exceptional high school students dedicated to leadership, service, and action that positively affects others.

  3. Americorps Vista

    With a scholarship awarded at the end, this service program is for students aged 18 and older. You must be willing to commit to a year of service at a nonprofit organization or government agency. You will receive a living stipend while you are serving. Scholarship awards given at the end of service are approximately $6,895 for full-time Vista participants. Deadline is rolling.

  4. Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship

    Since 1931, the Elks National Foundation has helped students recognize their academic dreams. Each year, they award more than $3 million in college scholarships to at least 850 outstanding, service-minded high school seniors.

  5. Young Women in Public Affairs Award

    The Zonta International Foundation has awarded 971 scholarships to 819 women since 1990.

    Women ages 16 to 19 in eligible Zonta districts and regions (or who are citizens of a Zonta country) are eligible for the Young Women in Public Affairs Award.

  6. Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes

    The Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes is part of the Young Heroes Project. It honors young people from different backgrounds who have made a big difference in their communities and the environment. To apply, you must have led a special service project that has helped others.

  7. Brower Youth Awards

    Youth environmental change leaders ages 13 to 22 (as of April 8, 2024) living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean Islands) and U.S. territories are encouraged to apply.

  8. DAV Jesse Brown Memorial Youth Scholarship

    This scholarship recognizes volunteers who have shown exceptional commitment to helping America’s veterans by volunteering with the DAV or DAV auxiliary. The scholarship can be used at any accredited college or university.

  9. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program:

    The GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship offers college scholarships of up to $40,000 for high school seniors nationwide
    who showcase leadership, drive, integrity, and citizenship. 

  10. James Beard Foundation Scholarship

    Applicants should have a strong academic record, leadership, and community service. Award amounts vary; they can be scholarships, tuition waivers, work-study grants, or a combination of the three. The application typically opens in April. This is for students who are interested in a culinary career.

  11. Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship

    Since 2001, Comcast has awarded more than $33 million in community service scholarships to about 30,000 students.

    Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship winners — who must be in high school — earn a one-time $2,500 scholarship, though there is the possibility for additional awards. The Comcast award considers applicants for their academic performance, community service and leadership skills.

  12. Segal AmeriCorps Education Award

    If you complete an approved term of service in certain AmeriCorps programs, you could be eligible for the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. Award winners can earn up to the maximum amount of a Pell Grant, which is $6,345 in 2020-2021. The award can be used to pay for educational expenses or to repay certain loans — with some restrictions.

Getting Started on Applying for Community Service Scholarships

If you're interested in applying for community service scholarships, it's essential to start by researching and identifying the available opportunities. Here are the steps to get you started on the application process:
1. Research: Begin by researching community service scholarships. Look into local organizations, national foundations, and academic institutions that offer scholarships for service-oriented individuals. You can use online scholarship search engines, check with your school's guidance counselor, and explore community organizations to discover available opportunities.
2. Review Scholarship Requirements: Once you've located potential scholarships, carefully review the eligibility criteria, application deadlines, required documentation, and any specific commitments related to community service. Make note of the key requirements for each scholarship to ensure you meet their qualifications.
3. Assess Your Community Service Involvement: Take stock of your past and current community service involvement. This could include volunteer work, leadership roles in service organizations, and any impactful projects you've initiated. Reflect on the skills, experiences, and lessons you've gained from your community service efforts.
4. Document Your Accomplishments: Create a comprehensive record of your community service activities. Include details such as the organizations you've worked with, the duration of your involvement, the responsibilities you've undertaken, and the outcomes achieved. Gather any relevant letters of recommendation, awards, or certificates that recognize your service contributions.
5. Craft a Compelling Personal Statement: Many community service scholarships require applicants to submit a personal statement or essay. Use this opportunity to express your passion for community service, share meaningful experiences, and articulate how receiving the scholarship will further your commitments to service and leadership.
6. Prepare Your Application Materials: Assemble all the necessary application materials according to the requirements of each scholarship. This may include transcripts, letters of recommendation, a resume highlighting your community service activities, and any additional documents specified by the scholarship providers.
7. Submit Your Applications Early: Be mindful of application deadlines and plan your submission timeline accordingly. Aim to submit your applications well before the deadline to allow for any unexpected delays or the need for additional documentation.
8. Seek Guidance and Feedback: If possible, seek guidance from teachers, mentors, or advisors who can provide feedback on your application materials. Their insights can help you refine your application and present your community service experiences effectively.
9. Stay Persistent and Positive: Keep in mind that the scholarship application process can be competitive, so it's important to stay persistent and maintain a positive attitude. Even if you encounter rejection, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve your approach for future applications.
By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to embark on the process of applying for community service scholarships and showcase your dedication to serving your community.


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