The College App Guide:
Your Acceptance Letter Starts Here
Which Extracurriculars Matter Most?
In this blog, I address the common concerns parents have about which extracurricular activities hold the most weight in college admissions. Rather than focusing on quantity, it's crucial to prioritize depth, leadership, and genuine passion in a few key activities.
Are Test-Optional Policies Here to Stay?
As the pandemic resulted in a surge in test-optional policies, many students with weaker scores no longer felt demoralized in applying to schools they may not have considered prior to the change.
Want to Know Why College Applicants Get Rejected? Here are Common Mistakes
“There’s a lot that goes into deciding which colleges to apply for, and your search will need to expand beyond figuring out which schools offer your preferred major.”
Ways to Stand Out as an Applicant
“A student's high school transcript tells the college admission evaluator much more than letter grades”